
Files download

Since Kenwood is unable to provide all the detailed information about their products directly (they do not have an online system for end users), we will do it instead absolutely for free. You do not have to call your dealer and wait for weeks, asking them to send the files you need. Just download and say "thank you, dude".


User manuals

Advanced manuals

Service manuals


ATTENTION! KPG-D1 is paid software (approximately $155-220 USD) and requires a license issued by Kenwood. It's a very well-protected one (unlike Motorola, Hytera, etc.), activates every PC (seat in Kenwood terms) via the Internet, and stores your license status at servers in Japan. There is no way to bypass the license! The only way to get this software to work is to buy it from a Kenwood dealer. Very often, it's not an easy process because most dealers say that this software is for dealers only, ask too many questions, restrict distribution in many countries (including Canada), stretch the process up to a few months, etc. But we have a list of personally verified dealers who can help you get the software and radio licenses regardless of your status, residence, domain extension, etc.

If some of files asks for password, use this one: JVCKNX5000


All firmware files are identical for the whole world; at least this is confirmed for North America and Europe. All differences are determined by model numbers and KPG-D1_ programming software.

NEXEDGE Release Notes


Price lists

Other docs

If some of files asks for password, use this one: JVCKNX5000